Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Monetize Under Review Reasons

Since my original video on monetization, I have received many questions and YouTube has made some changes.
So I thought I would make a video explaining what's up and to help those that are still having issues with monetization,

First, the report a bug function has been replaced with "Send Feedback".
This is a smart change and should be used frequently.
Unlike some companies, YouTube actually reviews, categorizes, and tracks feedback/bugs.
Bugs are usually weighted based on severity and suggestions are usually weighted based on number of requests.
Essentially, the more people that complain, the higher on the list that issue becomes.
I recommend that EVERYONE suggest that specific reasons should be added for videos marked "Under Review".
I think we all deserve to know why our videos are stuck in under review.
As for when to submit the feedback, I recommend if your video has been stuck in review for over 48 hours.

Now, the top feedback I have received for getting your video approved is as follows:
1) Do NOT edit anything in your video Title, description, tags or other until AFTER your video is monetized.
 The ONLY exception to this is to ad credits in the Description if the video has third party content.
2) Do NOT monetize your video until 5 min after the video processing is fully complete and the "thumb nails"" have been generated.
3) If your video goes to "Under Review", immediately un-monetize the video, then go back to the video manager, edit the video and enable monetize again.
 This trick only seems to work on videos that have completed processing within that last 5-30 minutes.

In the next video I will answer some of the common questions I receive about monetization.

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