Thursday, March 28, 2013

Facebook Share Annotations on YouTube Videos, How To

How to add a FaceBook share button in your video annotations?

So, you may have noticed that some videos have annotations for facebook share buttons in the annotations like this.
If you have annotations on and are using an annotations compatible application or browser, you can click on the button in the middle of this video to share on facebook.
Go ahead and give it a try...
Cool, huh?
So this is how it's done.
I will take you through the process.
First, this process requires you have your own domain name and hosted website.
You must also have the ability to upload HTML files to your website.
Note, some hosting companies do not allow you to upload custom files and restrict you to their own website creator.
First, go to your video manager
Then click on Channel Settings
After that, select associated website
Enter your verified website fully qualified domain name.
If your website needs to be verified, please check out the other videos on that topic.
You should see the Success green light.
Next, download and unzip this html file:
I will also put the link in the video description.
Once you unzip, the contents are a single file named facebookshare dot html
Next, upload this HTML file to your website.
For those of you concerned of the content, this is the code it contains.
You may want to replace ThreeDigitIQ on line 17 with your own channel name, but you do not have to.
Then open up the video page of the video you want to annotate.
Copy the ?v= parameter to include the video ID
Next, click on the "Annotations" button under your video.
Then Add a Spotlight Annotation
Check the Link and Associated Website
Enter the full URL, including HTTP:// to your website and the facebookshare.html file
after the dot HTML, paste in your question mark v= video ID
It should look like this.
Click save and publish
You should see the Published confirmation.
Go to your video and check it out!
If this works for you, you can thank me by sharing this video on your facebook wall.
Go ahead and give it a try.
Thanks and have fun out there.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

MTB Cross Country vs. Downhill (for beginners)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Buying your first Mountain Bike Size and Geometry

What size mountain bike should I get? Answer: Welcome to mountain biking for beginners. In this video we will be discussing some bike geometry... at least just a couple of the basics you should be aware of for your first bike. Since you are just starting off, going out and spending a decent amount of time and money on a proper fitted racing bike is not likely what you are looking to do. After all, a properly fitted bike also must take into account you own personal riding style, body type, and trail type. But you are just starting out, so how could you possible know? Well, you can't until you get some experience. For a beginner, the first thing you need to do is ride the bike you are interested in. Then you need to ride at least one other bike size to get a sense of the differences. This is usually accomplished at a bike store with a simple test ride. Knowing your height and weight, the bike tech can usually point you in the direction of a bike most likely to be your size. One thing to look closely at is be sure the bike doesn't feel too big. With a bike that is too big, there is very little you can do to make it ride right. However, with a slightly smaller frame, you have the ability to shift your body weight to keep the bike balanced. Another thing to keep in mind is if you get a 26er, you will have more room to make adjustments if the size isn't just right. If you buy a 29er, pay closer attention to how large the bike feels and don't be afraid to get a slightly smaller frame if it gives you the sensation of being too big. Once you own your bike, there are certain do's and don'ts for adjusting the bike geometry. For example, if you upgrade the front fork, you want to try your best to keep the angle close to 70 degrees. A longer suspension will decrease the angle and will cause your front end to grip less and your turning angle will be wider. A shorter front suspension will grip or bite more and will not do well with rocks, branches, roots or sand. So what are some simple adjustments a beginner can do to improve their ride and improve geometry and balance? One of the things that are greatly different from rider to rider is their torso and arm length. For this reason, many manufacturers will default with longer stems. To counter this you can make a slight adjustment in your saddle. But this could put you off balance. If you have too much weight to the rear, you will find that downhill is easier and climes are hard to steer. But, more common are new riders having too much weight to the front, since it is easy for your body to recognize the weight to too far back. Some common complaints for people that have too much weight forward are: Overshooting banked turns, and having to slow down just to make the turn Muscle soreness between your shoulder blades instead of your forearms and pecks. Frequent falling over the front of your bike when hitting small obstacles. Fortunately, stems are relatively low cost and simple to replace. Check out your stem length and angle and look for one that is relatively the same angle but shorter or longer depending on your need. For me, I had too much weight forward on my first bike. I was constantly having to slow down for banked curves and would frequently fall over the front of my bike with small obstacles. The bike came with a 110mm stem. I purchased an 80mm stem on ebay for $25 and it turned out great. You can usually find stems on ebay between $10 and $20 with shipping included. I spent the extra $5 just to get a cool color. If your front wheel isn't gripping like you want, a longer stem could be a low cost temporary solution. Remember, this is your first bike, so it is a learning curve. Your bike fit does not need to be perfect. If you stick to the sport, as you ride certain things will start to bother you... just look into them one at a time. As you fix or take steps to adjust one issue, you will start to notice other things you didn't know about. When you are ready to buy your second bike, if you spent time adjusting parts on your first bike, you will know exactly what your riding style is and how to fit into a bike that fits you back. Please feel free to let us know in the comments section some things you did to adjust how your first bike fits you. Thanks and have fun out there.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

6 Year Old Kid on Mountain Bike Trail

6 Year Old Kid on Mountain Bike Trail Rider: Aiden "Trexberry" Bike: Ferrari CX 30 Mountain Bike Music: "Right on Time" by Flembaz Camera: Astak ActionPro cm 7200

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Monetize Under Review Reasons

Since my original video on monetization, I have received many questions and YouTube has made some changes.
So I thought I would make a video explaining what's up and to help those that are still having issues with monetization,

First, the report a bug function has been replaced with "Send Feedback".
This is a smart change and should be used frequently.
Unlike some companies, YouTube actually reviews, categorizes, and tracks feedback/bugs.
Bugs are usually weighted based on severity and suggestions are usually weighted based on number of requests.
Essentially, the more people that complain, the higher on the list that issue becomes.
I recommend that EVERYONE suggest that specific reasons should be added for videos marked "Under Review".
I think we all deserve to know why our videos are stuck in under review.
As for when to submit the feedback, I recommend if your video has been stuck in review for over 48 hours.

Now, the top feedback I have received for getting your video approved is as follows:
1) Do NOT edit anything in your video Title, description, tags or other until AFTER your video is monetized.
 The ONLY exception to this is to ad credits in the Description if the video has third party content.
2) Do NOT monetize your video until 5 min after the video processing is fully complete and the "thumb nails"" have been generated.
3) If your video goes to "Under Review", immediately un-monetize the video, then go back to the video manager, edit the video and enable monetize again.
 This trick only seems to work on videos that have completed processing within that last 5-30 minutes.

In the next video I will answer some of the common questions I receive about monetization.